The story of Spring Valley

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Spring Valley Mennonite Church, of rural Canton, was founded in 1873 when Bishop Daniel Brundage organized a congregation of various Mennonite homesteaders who had migrated from eastern states.   A 14-mile furrow plowed in the virgin prairie marked the route to the church for some of the original members who lived at a distance.
The first meeting house was built in 1875 on the southeast corner of Bishop Brundage's homestead at a cost of $400. The building had multiple purposes, including use as a school house.
Only a few years later the congregation hosted the organizational meeting of the old Kansas-Nebraska Conference. The church hosted the first evangelistic meetings in the Kansas-Nebraska Conference, and was one of the first member churches to implement Sunday schools, both of which were controversial at the time within the (Old) Mennonite Church.

A book entitled First on the Prairie; The Story of Spring Valley Mennonite Church written by John Sharp in 2019 contains an indepth look at the congregation's history.

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with perserevance the race that is set before us." -- Hebrews-12:1
